Functions for Visual Basic
Visual Basic
uses a different set of calling and programming conventions than C and C++ use.
Different structure and parameter definitions support the Visual Basic
representation of strings and of structures, which in Visual Basic are called types.
The following list describes how programming Simple MAPI Visual Basic
applications differs from programming Simple MAPI C and C++ applications:
Because the concept of a
pointer is foreign to Visual Basic, developers use extra function parameters
instead of the complex pointer structures used in C and C++.
Because the Visual Basic MAPI
functions are declared, it is not necessary to explicitly cast passed arguments
using ByVal.
An empty string in a string
variable is equivalent to a NULL value.
Arrays must be dynamically
declared so that they are redimensioned when the Simple MAPI function is
Visual Basic manages memory,
eliminating the need for calling the MAPIFreeBuffer function.
All structures used in the
Visual Basic version of Simple MAPI are Visual Basic types rather than
C-language structures.
All strings used in the Visual
Basic version of Simple MAPI are Visual Basic strings rather than C-language
The Simple
MAPI functions for Visual Basic work with Visual Basic 3, Visual Basic 4, and
Visual Basic for Applications. Note that slight differences in the 16-bit and
32-bit Visual Basic runtime DLLs mean that some Simple MAPI functions have
different declarations depending on which runtime is being used. The 32-bit
declarations use explicit Visual Basic array notation. The alternate
declarations are documented with the functions that have them.